KWLT’s New Works subcommittee has been active this year in supporting playwrights in our community, encouraging and supporting them in developing new scripts. This August, they’ll be hosting a festival at KWLT to present their monologues, scenes, and plays after a summer of workshopping and refining them. To do that requires volunteers: to direct the pieces, to stage manage and provide technical support, and to promote the festival.
If you’re interested in any or all of those opportunities, we invite you to come out to the theatre on May 8 for a mixer event. You can meet the members of the organizing team, find out about the works being presented and what the authors are looking for, and learn what’s involved in each of the available roles.
Hope to see you there!
(Other important dates: auditions will be held in mid-June, the festival itself will be August 23–25.)
9 Princess Street East