Our theatre space at 9 Princess Street East is available for rent by groups of all types. From plays to concerts, dance recitals to film screenings, book readings to weddings: if you’re looking for a flexible and intimate venue for your event, talk to us! For rental rates and policies please contact us.
We indicate our space availability on a public Google Calendar. Even when the space is listed as booked, we might still be able to accommodate other bookings on that day, depending on timing of the events and how intensively the space is being used.
For more information about our rentals policy and how to start the process of booking our space, see our FAQ below.

KWLT Rentals FAQ
What are your rates?
- Daily rate is $150
- Weekly rate is $750
- A key and door code are provided to access the space as needed during the full rental period.
Additional Charges
- Failure to return premises to basic technical set-up (including base theatrical lighting plot): $300
- Failure to clean premises after use: $75
- Failure to fully vacate premises at end of Rental Period: $250 per day
- Lost key charge: $500
- Damage to building or property: full cost of repair or replacement
What’s the capacity of the building?
- Standard configuration is 60 seats: 55 facing front and 5 on the accessible platform; this can be increased to 70 by placing seating along the sides of the stage area.
- Total capacity is 100 persons, including all performers, audience, and staff.
- Full building is included in rental including use of concession area, lobby, washrooms, tech booth, and green room. Green room exits to the lobby and to the side of the stage.
What are the stage dimensions?
- The playing space is 30 feet wide by about 15 feet or so deep.
- With chairs on the floor as the first row of seating the stage is more realistically 13 feet.
Is the building accessible?
- Our lobby and both washrooms are fully accessible.
- Our theatre space features a seating platform to accommodate accessibility devices.
Is the venue licensed for alcohol?
- Alcohol service is possible under KWLT’s liquor licence, which requires KWLT volunteers to staff the bar. KWLT retains all bar sale proceeds.
- Alternatively, you can apply for an SOP (special occasion permit) through the LCBO or bring in a licence-holder with a catering endorsement, and serve alcohol under that licence/permit instead.
- In either case, intent to provide alcohol must be approved by KWLT in advance; undisclosed alcohol use is a breach of the rental agreement.
Do I need to worry about insurance?
- Our standard rental contract requires that renters carry general comprehensive liability insurance to an amount of at least $1 million while operating in our space with KWLT named as co-insured.
- When purchasing this from a broker or insurance agent, it generally takes the form of “event liability insurance”. It might be available as a rider on a pre-existing policy (i.e. house insurance); talk to your insurance company.
- We may waive the insurance requirements providing a key-holding officer of KWLT is present throughout the rental period to supervise. This generally applies to private events with a small number of attendees.
Will you provide technicians to run the systems?
- We’re an all-volunteer organisation with no staff to provide
- We will ensure you are oriented on the systems and know how to find things
- If you want to hire someone from within our community, we can help connect you with possible technicians; terms would be negotiated with them directly.
What can you tell me about the audio setup included in the rental fee?
- We have a Mackie ProFX16v3 as our soundboard. (
- We have an XLR snake running to the upstage right corner, allowing us to wire concerts from behind. It has 16 channels up to the booth and 4 channels back, though typically only channels 1-8 are connected to the board.
- We have five speakers mounted near the ceiling: L/R on the side walls above the stage, L/R on the side walls above the audience, and a centre channel at upstage centre.
- We don’t have any performance monitors; please bring your own if you need them.
- We have XLR and patch cables that you’re free to use.
- We have a few good mic stands and a couple of mics that are fine for public address but are not ideal for singing. We have a couple of DIs
- We have the Long & McQuade rentals department more or less right out our back door for renting any additional gear you require.
What can you tell me about the lighting setup included in the rental fee?
- Our base lighting setup gives warm and cool front and top lighting (which you can mix to find your preferred balance) along with white face lights and one side light from each side. Specials include a light on the stairs down to the stage, a downstage centre spotlight, and a pair of floodlights.
- When you turn on the lighting system, you’ll have two options for controlling the lights. On the front screen you’ll see a set of basic controls that should work for a situation where all you need is illumination: you can put up a “warm look” or a “cool look”, which you can dim or brighten to suit; you can bring the house lights above the audience to full, half, or out; and you can control the spotlight and stair lights.
- For finer control, you can also use the faders on the physical lighting board. Some of these are tied to a specific light, others to groups of lights organised by type and colour.
- The lighting board itself is and ETC Element 2. Experienced technicians may use our board to program lighting cues.
What can you tell me about the projection system?
- We have an Epson projector that sits above the sound booth; it’s focused on a projector screen on the upstage wall.
- The projector will connect to HDMI, VGA, or S Video cables.
Can I sell my own concessions? Can patrons bring food into the theatre space?
- You can sell your own concessions and merchandise with the exception of alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis.
- If you need refrigerator space for concessions or anything else (e.g. lunches) we’re happy to clear out one of our fridges for your use.
- Patrons are free to bring food and drink anywhere in the building; we recommend requesting patrons not bring glass containers into the theatre space for safety reasons.
Where can I park?
- KWLT does not have its own parking lot. Street parking is available on Princess St. East: during the daytime it’s a one hour limit between King and Regina, two hours between Regina and Peppler. There is no limit after 6pm, nor on Sundays.
- There are parking lots on Regina St.: one just north of Bridgeport, another couple south of Erb, all on the east side of Regina.
- Provisions can be made for loading and unloading of gear; please enquire at time of booking if this will be required.
Is the theatre available when I need it and how can I book it?
- You can check when the theatre is available at our publicly accessible calendar. If the space is listed as booked, we may be able to accommodate a second short booking depending on length and nature of the existing booking; please enquire.
- In your booking request, please indicate if your request requires the following: liquor sales, concession sales, specific technical requirements.
- Send your request indicating dates and above needs to Please include your business information (name, type, address), name of event, and name and contact information of contact person.
- You can also reach us by phone at 519.886.0660, but response by email us usually quicker.
- If your request is approved, you will receive a contract to sign and return, as well as an invoice for the rental. Fifty percent of the rental fee is due on signing, with the remainder due one week before the rental date.