Call for projects: Black Box Radio

As we eagerly await the chance to reopen our theatre, KWLT is looking for online theatrical projects to present during the spring and summer of 2021. We’re primarily looking for audio pieces, and our preference is for works in the public domain (or otherwise free of formal royalties). However, if you’ve got an idea for a piece that’s available under license, or something with video components as well as audio, we’re open to being convinced!

What we’re looking for: An idea for an audio production, complete with script and a production team (director, production manager, technical director). Please also include at least a sense of what you might need in terms of support: equipment, expertise, or other resources. We’ll be supporting your project with our theatre’s fabulous volunteer pool and our technical and financial resources.

If you’re interested in submitting a project for consideration, fill out this form — the last page will ask for a digital copy of the script, so make sure you have that handy (and if you don’t, let us know how we can find the script.) Direct any questions to the Executive Producer. Applications received by April 26th will receive full consideration; we hope to make our decisions by May 14th.

The spring/summer 2021 phase of Black Box Radio is supported by a Tier 2 grant from the City of Kitchener, for which we are most grateful!

April 9 — April 26
12:00 pm — 10:30 pm


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