Extended auditions: Clara, a staged reading

As part of the KW Symphony Volunteer Committee‘s Love of Music Marathon fundraiser on November 12, KWLT will be presenting a staged reading of Clara. Written by Jo-Anne Richards & Susan Hart and directed by Todd Vercoe, this play tells the story of pianist and composer Clara Wieck Schumann.

The production still has a few roles to fill for the play, most notably that of Clara’s husband Robert (male, 30+). Auditions for this and other roles in Clara for both men and women will be held at KWLT on Tuesday September 27, 6–9pm. Auditions will be on a drop-in basis. Actors should prepare a monologue (which does not have to be memorized — you’re welcome to have script in hand). Some exercises will be done and perhaps sides will be offered; there will be no sides in advance.

There will be 3–4 rehearsals through October, timing depending on actor availability. Tech rehearsals will be on Thursdays November 3 and 10, with the performance at 1:30 on November 12.

If you’d like to know more, contact Todd with any questions.

September 27
6:00 pm — 9:00 pm

9 Princess Street East

Email the director

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