Hallowe’en’en at KWLT

Join us for a spooky skele-bration! Announcing:
KWLT Hallowe’en’en 2024
An evening of Monster Mini-Games & Mingling!

Event date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Time: Doors open at 6:30, Games start at 7:30 with dancing to follow. Last call at 10:30.
Address: 9 Princess St E, Waterloo, ON N2J 2H4 

It’s a Hallowe’en’en party you won’t likely forget, featuring a variety of hauntingly fun and festive activities! 

  • Costume Contest
  • Monster Mini Games
  • Prizes
  • Themed Snacks
  • Festive Specialty Drinks ($)
  • Photo Ops
  • Dancing
  • Sensory friendly quiet room
  • And More! 

Tickets: FREE to members and non-members when you sign up before 11:59pm on October 28!
Or at the door: $2 for members, $10 for non-members. 

What are the Monster Mini-Games? 

Think Mario Party Mini-Games but IRL. 

A series of 10 mini games challenging your spook-tactical senses will be played throughout the night. Some are solo games, some require a partner, and using our patent-not-pending point system, the people with the most points at the end of the night will walk away with a prize, to be announced shortly! 

You don’t have to participate in the games to attend. Come watch the games unfold, or just join us for general spooky shenanigans throughout the night! 

Costume Contest

Dress your Halloween best for your chance to win two tickets to any show in the KWLT 24/25 Season! The criteria our judges will be using is based on Creativity, Effort, and Accuracy.

Other Details: 

There will be a selection of snacks (but make sure you eat dinner before you come), with the traditional KWLT bar available, plus the addition of several specialty Halloween themed cocktails on sale between $4-$7. 

The Green Room will be temporarily converted into a “quiet room” for those needing a sensory-friendly place to escape to. 

Throughout the night, jump on the dance floor between and after the mini-games, take a spooky selfie at one of the photo stations, and dress your Halloween best for your chance to win two tickets to any show in the KWLT 2024–2025 Season! The criteria our judges will be using for the winner of the Costume Contest are based on Creativity, Effort, and Accuracy.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to social@kwlt.org or @liisasteinwedel on the KWLT Slack! 

See you there… if you dare! 

October 30
6:30 pm — 11:00 pm

9 Princess Street East

Sign up

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