KWLT presents Scorched

By Wajdi Mouawad
Translated by Linda Gaboriau
Directed by Hiyam Mahrat

A journey of discovery to uncover secrets of the past, unspeakable truths, remnants of war, and tangled roots of identity.

Twin siblings, Simon and Janine, living in Canada, unravel the secrets of their mother’s past, Nawal, after her death amidst the haunting echoes of Lebanon’s civil war. In a quest that spans continents and generations, they unravel the truth behind many years of Nawal’s deafening silence and explore their origins through her story. As the past collides with the present, they come to understand the interconnected roots of their family’s narrative and their tangled realities.

We’ll have more details about this show as it draws near; in the meantime, check out the show page for additional information as it’s released.

June 15
2:00 pm — 4:00 pm

9 Princess Street East

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