KWLT’s 2024 Annual General Meeting

Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre welcomes all members and interested observers to the 2024 Annual General Meeting. The meeting begins at 7:30, but attendees are welcome to arrive early to socialize.

Members of KWLT will be receiving our official communications about the AGM over email. Membership purchases and renewals will be available in advance of the meeting; if you’re unsure of your current membership status, please contact the Membership Director to inquire. We ask that attendees register in advance on EventBrite.

What happens at our AGM?

  • A review of the past year artistically, financially, and organizationally at the little theatre
  • The bestowal of awards to recognize outstanding volunteer contributions to our community
  • Enacting various legal motions required by the Ontario Corporations Act
  • The election of members to the Board of Directors
  • Moments of levity, including — possibly? — the Board Players presenting excerpts from next season’s shows

Per our current policies, this is a one-off event at which masking is required.

Hope to see you there!

Volunteer opportunity: The Board is seeking volunteers to host and organize the pre-meeting social event; traditionally we like to run a cookout before things get underway, so we’re looking for people who can bring their own grills as well as volunteers to manage concessions. Contact Adrienne if you’re willing and able! (SmartServe is not required, as we will not be serving alcohol at or before the AGM.)

June 25
7:30 pm — 10:00 pm

9 Princess Street East


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