UnHinged Festival of Disturbing Theatre

Write or Flight

In October and November, six playwrights were sent to disturbing locations where they were left to write a play. They arrived at their destinations with no idea where they were going or what they were going to write, allowing the environment to influence their stories…and it did.

Write or Flight RESPONSE

We’ve been doing this since 2011, and have been amazed with the concepts and quality of writing that has emerged from this. Many plays have gone on to be performed at other festivals and venues. We have sent playwrights to haunted hotel rooms, a barn filled with not quite feral cats (the playwright did not mention she was allergic), mausoleums, empty stores, et al.

All five plays will be staged at UnHinged Festival of Disturbing Theatre as workshops.

* These two plays are longer one-act plays, running about 40 minutes, the others, are approximately 15 mins.

There will be talk-backs on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday following the performances.

TRIGGER WARNINGS – many of them. Theatre not for the faint of heart. Last year, we had a lovely woman pass out during a performance.



  • STOP * by Alexandra Porter
  • FAMED by Jenn Weatherall
  • + Post Show Talk-Back


  • I’LL NEVER LET YOU GO by Tristin Deveau
  • STOP * by Alexandra Porter
  • BEFORE I FORGET by Nicole Smith


  • FAMED by Jenn Weatherall
  • I’LL NEVER LET YOU GO by Tristin Deveau
  • THE COMPANION * by Maria Colonescu
  • + Post Show Talk-Back


  • THE COMPANION * by Maria Colonescu
  • STOP * by Alexandra Porter
  • BEFORE I FORGET by Nicole Smith
  • + Post Show Talk-Back

Tickets: Wednesday is pay-what-you-can at the door; Thursday–Saturday $20

For more information, contact Paddy Gillard-Bentley.

December 11 — December 14
7:30 pm — 9:30 pm

9 Princess Street East


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