9 Princess Street East

Auditions for “Falling: A Wake”

Written by Gary Kirkham
Directed by Dani Rosenbaum

Falling: A Wake is the story of Harold and Elsie, a couple in their 50s living on a farm in a small, isolated town. One autumn night, a plane explodes in the sky above their home and litters their field with debris, including the body of a young man, still strapped in his airplane seat. Elsie insists on keeping vigil at the boy’s side, while Harold focuses on keeping Elsie comfortable through the cold night. Harold and Elsie are profoundly affected by the presence of the boy, and as the story unfolds, they each explore their own feelings of loss and love, and contemplate the nature of the soul.  The play grapples with themes of grief, loss, and acceptance, while also providing moments of humour and lightness.

Auditions will take place March 28–30, 7:00–9:30pm at KWLT (9 Princess Street East in Waterloo). Your audition will likely take 10-15 minutes. There will likely be callback auditions on March 31.

Actors do not need to prepare a monologue. We will ask actors to read a selection from the script which will be provided at the time of your audition. If you would like to request a copy of the sides in advance of the audition, please email fallingawake.kwlt2021@gmail.com. Actors auditioning for the role of The Boy will not be required to read; we’ll ask a few questions and have a brief discussion of expectations around the role.

For more information about the characters, the auditions, and the rehearsal process please see our information sheet. We encourage you to sign up for an audition slot in advance — even if you can’t commit to a particular time, filling out the form will save you time at auditions.

KWLT’s Garage Sale

The Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre is long overdue for a dusting-out!  We’ve taken the opportunity of the ’extended break between seasons’ this year to climb up into our corners and take stock of all of the various many things™ that we’ve accumulated over the years.  And what an interesting amalgamation of things™ it is!  We have construction materials and tools left over from the rebuild of the theatre after the fire, we have technical equipment for lighting and audio, we have holiday and party supplies, and we even have some camping equipment and teacher/classroom supplies!  So we’ve decided to hold our first ever once-a-decade (decennial) garage sale!

The gory details:

  • Only one customer will be allowed in the building at a time.
  • For COVID safety you will have to wear a mask the entire time you are in line (if there is one) or in the building (there will definitely be a building).  If this is a “can’t” problem for you, please send a proxy who can; if this is a “won’t” problem for you, please feel free to not participate.
  • The path through the building will be one-directional: in via the back door (through the 25 Regina St. North parking lot), through the black box and out through the fire exit. There will be no access to the green room nor the lobby.
  • We’ll have our Square terminal set up, but because of the fees involved if your total is less than $5 then you’ll have to pay in coins.  Because of COVID we won’t be breaking bills.  Please bring loonies and toonies if you have your eye on just one or two little things.

You can find the list of available items here; please feel free to peruse beforehand. We’ll be spotlighting some of the available items on social media leading up to the event itself.